CSR / Environment 社会貢献活動と環境への取り組み


CSR Activities 地域社会活動

Sakurajyuji Thanks Illumination

Sakurajyuji Thanks Illumination takes place during the Christmas season every year since we would like our patients and their families to have a wonderful Christmas, and wish to express our gratitude for local communities as well as expanding the circle of cheerfulness and kindly heart among them. This event which attracts 20,000 people every season consists of various illuminated statures with 1,500,000 lights, full-heartedly decollated by the employees. We use waste materials and LED lights for the statures and reuse used motors in order to facilitate recycle and energy-saving so that impressive brilliance is materialized with low electricity expense which is 9, 000 yen per month during the season. Because our happiness is to make everybody happy, we will continue this event for many years to come.



2010~Roasso Kumamoto (Football)

Roasso Kumamoto, a member of Japan Professional Football league (J League), is the team beloved by the people of Kumamoto. Ever since the team was established in Kumamoto which is our hometown, we have sympathized their team slogan: “Cheering up people of Kumamoto, giving kids dreams, and vitalizing Kumamoto” and continued to support the team in order to make Kumamoto even more energetic and lively. Also, since 2015, we have focused mainly on supporting their activities to develop their junior team.



2013~Kumamoto Volters (Basketball)

Kumamoto Volters is a professional basketball team which was born in Kumamoto. The team started its activities with the motto: “Be a dream maker for kids and cheer up local community” and has been playing in the “B LEAGUE”, a professional basketball league, started its first season in Fall, 2016. Since the team’s slogan: “We would like to contribute to Kumamoto as we love Kumamoto and were raised by Kumamoto. We would like kids in Kumamoto to have dreams and cheer up Kumamoto more by creating a connection between people” is the same with our thought, we support the team as an official sponsor.




2023~Signed “Uniform Sponsorship Contract” with Komazawa University Track and Field Team.

With the aim of promoting amateur sports, a uniform sponsorship contract was signed in 2023 with the consistently successful team in university ekiden races, the Komazawa University Track and Field Team.



International Exchange and Cooperation 国際交流・協力

Established school for human resource development in Philippines

In the Philippines, the unemployment rate hits approximately 27% (approximately 52% between the age of 18 and 24), while the population growth rate per annum is 2%. In other words, the Philippines has been in the situation where half of Filipino high school and college graduates have trouble getting jobs. Under the severe employment situation, Tomoki Nishikawa, the CEO of Sakurajyuji Group, established a Japanese language school called “TDG NISHIKAWA NIPPON ACADEMY” in order for the young Filipinos to be able to have dreams. Learning Japanese enables the young Filipinos to have employment opportunities in various fields in japan and acquire the latest Japanese technology and knowledge while working. Moreover, they will make contributions to the economic development of the Philippines by bringing home substantial experiences they gained in Japan. From now on, the academy aims to be the Japanese language institution which will contribute to the cultivation of global human resource, the developments of economies of Japan and the Philippines, and the promotion of cordial relations between 2 nations then cover all over the Philippines.


フィリピンでは年2%の人口増加が続いている一方、失業率が約27%(18~24歳に限ると約52%)に達し、高校、大学を卒業しても半数が就職できない状態が続いています。こうした中、桜十字グループ代表・西川朋希は、フィリピンで働くことが難しい若者たちに夢を持ってもらいたいと日本語学校『TDG NISHIKAWA NIPPON ACADEMY 』を設立しました。フィリピンの若者は日本語を学ぶことによって、日本国内で様々な分野の雇用の機会を得ることができ、働きながら日本の最新の技術や知識を身に付けることができます。将来的にこれら多くの経験を母国に持ち帰ることでフィリピンの経済発展に繋げていくことができます。今後は、グローバルな人材育成と日比の経済発展と友好関係への寄与を目標に、フィリピン全土をカバーする日本語教育機関を目指します。

Environment 環境


桜十字病院の本館5階病棟を一般病棟として全体改修したのは2009年6月のことです。改修前、メインに設置されていた青白い蛍光灯は、眩しさや空調負荷、非日常性など、多くの課題を持っていました。 この改修では、これらの課題を改善し患者さまにより優しい癒し環境を提供することを第一の目的とし、さらに病院という建物の公共性の高さを考慮し、CO2排出量削減など環境への配慮にも取り組むことをコンセプトとしました。



Sifting from incandescent lights to LED lights

In 2009, we refurbished the lighting program of Sakurajyuji hospital and replaced incandescent lights with LED lights. By the refurbishment, we realized energy saving by achieving an actual reduction rate in carbon dioxide emissions of 49.7% while providing a gentle light environment to the patients. Consequently, we were adopted as an “energy-efficient lighting design model business” hosted by the ministry of the environment and granted the certification.





Implementation of demolition work achieving recycle rate of 99.5%

In 2006, Sakurajyuji hospital implemented the demolition work to build the new ward. Under the slogan of “zero-waste“, we succeeded not to dispose of 200 truckloads findustrial wastes. As a result, we achieved the recycle rate of 99.5%, although the Construction Material Recycle Law at the time set the achievement of the recycle rate of 95% by 2010.